Why do we do things that we know are going to come back and bite us in the end? Some people over work themselves, others are so much the humanitarian they forget about themselves, even more end up running around in circles all of the time. Why do we do this? Are we going to achieve something in the end that is more plentiful that living a happy life?

We see many people through out life that waste it. I do not mean they are boring people I mean they really waste the time they have on this earth doing meaningless things. When is the last time you helped someone in dire need, when is the last time you put others before yourself? I do not think we need to live our entire lives caring only for others but when we only care about ourselves who does that really better? Just us, not man (or woman) kind. How lazy is that?

As a people we have many things to offer but we never really do. Why are we so hesitate to help others in need? Most times places, people and the society at a fullest end up telling us that butting in is wrong. It makes me think back to an ad I once read of domestic abuse, neighbors not wanting to butt in for fear they would then become the victim. Does the same not apply when its only helping by offering a ear to listen to, or a friend that might need a ride to work. Why are we all so lazy that we have decided its better to only help ourselves rather than our neighbors?