At first I had thought about taking this post into the direction of just one lost soul that is out there in wonder land now and has many a seeds to follow along. I have thought off and on through the last few days trying to see if continuing the journey works better for one single person or for the entire nation.

This week’s new marks bring change to those not only in the United States but also those worldwide. It brings change to the people, and it makes minds wonder how all of the things that need some change will end up happening. Sometimes when we lose someone we are a little lost and end up wondering with that person being of such a high significance in our lives; if we will end up standing up to their expectations. Many people ponder what they need to change in their life to make sure their journey leads them to the thoughts that one person in the past had hoped for them.

It seems now as a nation under a new president (one that will no doubtingly go down as a major event in history books worldwide) now is faced with something similar. The difference is that he holds the power to end up changing many things over a course of time for many people. We as individuals can only change things for ourselves and those we are in direct contact with. This president will end up doing much good for these people and this nation but its very well possible that things could also end up doing very bad. A little bit of pressure there on his shoulders, wouldn’t you agree?

What are you going to do today to make a difference? How are you going to set things right? What changes will you make? What will you do that will better yourself and those around you? What issues are on your shoulders? How can we make changes to make sure that we are continuing the journey?