Have we forgotten that all things in moderation is better than what the consequences for over doing certain things could be? As a people there are many things that are never in moderation, it seems we think that more is always better no matter what the pro’s & con’s may be. Even more we think that there are no real consequences for over doing it in life, no matter what exactly we are over doing. We work too much, sleep too little and spend less time with our loved ones.

We consume something in our lives, over doing it only to fill an empty spot. Most people will hear that things should be in moderation but it seems that ends up going in one ear and right out the other. When you really think about it though things in moderation seems to make more sense, doesn’t it? Do you really want to over work yourself and have a heart attack, die early and miss out on a great deal of life that you could be living instead? How many things can you think of just in a day that we end up over doing?

So why are we doing the things we know are bad for us? Why can we say one thing but end up doing another? Do we not care, do we not have the time, and are we those types that will just spew out to the rest of the world “Do as I say and not as I do”. It’s possible we refuse to make the time, time to coordinate and actually accomplish something other than working ourselves to death. I think in the end that makes for a sad world, a sad life.

When you are too consumed with something that is not nearly as meaningful as living your life being happy, productive & not a stress magnet then you are missing out on just too many of the good things. I am not saying that everyone needs to run out and quit their job, but stop being so consumed by it that your work defines who you are as a person. Labels are just one way to describe who we are; no one said we need to live our lives as only those labels and nothing more. Why not just be happy with a smile on your face instead?