I wonder what happens one day when we all sit back and check to see how many times we really had our priorities in order? Are people going to look back and realize all those things they thought were important really never were. Is this were regret comes from? I try to be a stickler on things like this and I understand that no one is perfect but I do try my best and it seems many others barely try their minimum.

While some days get the better of me I still try to keep things in order so there is a flow that works, a rhythm of things in order and peace. Peace is always better than chaos right? I will look at first if its going to be something that I can remember years later and learn from now or is it going to be something of a filler in life that barely helps to make it through the day, week or year. Is this thing really important to me and will it be worth the time spent?

If I can take something out of what I am doing more than wasting energy, money and time then its worth it. Some people seem to have their priorities mixed up and that can over spill into other parts of their life. If its work, then it goes into personal and vs. versa. When are people going to realize that priorities are meant for a reason and not that it is just some fancy word the rest of us keep throwing around?