What if we started with the bad things that one could start with, this only being the text written nothing in regards to a clashy website that the colors end up blinding people with? 🙂

– is your information outdated or sourced so that it can work over a large time span?
– do you receive hits, are they unique, how long are they viewing your site?
– is your work frequent, are you blogging daily, are you doing filler entries?
– do you make typo’s, are you reading back what you write to make sure it makes sense?
– are you even caring about what you blog about?

These are just some of the random things that when I do have the time, I am looking out for. Sites that turn me off are most times going to do the same for others. Content is King – no one could say that more and mean it so whole heartily but are bloggers paying attention to what they are blogging about?

I see tons of blog sites that say they are “All about the news” or “Bringing it to you first” but these sites are filler sites. There is nothing important listed other than today’s random media plug and that is it. What ever happened to a site being about something even semi general. Something you can learn a little from and its not set to a T that it has to be able one subject only?