Have you ever wondered? Sometimes I sit and think about it. How many things can be accomplished in this time frame. Looking back on the days end, seeing what has took place from time to time. How many things, how many perspectives can happen. Its almost insane. All the things you think of, all the things that could be said but are not.

How many times can you ramble in your own mind, but not aloud? Its so easy to see everything flash before you, overlapping from the days end, but who stops to actually think about it all. It bothers me that no one stops and thinks sometimes. You could be stating something that you thought about for a brief moment in time, yet still say the unreasonable things, that relate in no way what so ever.

Sometimes I pause and scratch my head for a moment, trying to gather my own thoughts, let alone why someone would be so incompetent. Do they even think for a brief moment, or does it somehow skip them, knowing ever more than they are too incompetent to think, let alone act.

People watching is nice sometimes, but human behavior is something even more alluring. Drawing you in, sitting and watching the reactions of even the day to day lives one takes. How many things could you sit and think about, or even keep a list of things seen at certain times in your life. Just a brief look into what is each day.

Sometimes we all let silly things in our lives take over, how sad it is that we take so much for granted. How very seldom do we overcome and commit to stopping the silliness. Its better to overcome, just to watch & learn, you begin to focus on all the finer things.