I tend to notice this within work and non work issues, some people are just not taking the responsibility needed in order to accomplish the end game results that they want. They expect people to know things without giving any guidance, sometimes a little guidance can go a long ways.

I would love to be able to randomly read someones mind when they are not speaking up about something that helps me to better understand what the hell they are thinking. I would like to think I am not the only one, but sometimes people are so vague its almost like a headache trap. You walk in knowing full well that you get a headache from the person you are dealing with, yet still do, and in the end you are beating your head against a desk in hopes that the new pain overrides the old pain.

More people tend to take the vague route assuming that everyone knows what they are thinking and feeling when in fact no one really knows this other than the original person. People are idiots in this tense, if you expect someone to know what is going on in your mind without giving them any type of reference you are sadly mistaken.

And again, people are idiots who think like this.
*If any idiots are reading this now consider it your disclaimer.

It truly makes me wonder how these people can survive in this world walking around clueless all of the time and thinking that the best way to get their point across is to assume. You know what happens when you assume right?

“When you assume, you make an ass out of u and me.”
~ Oscar Wilde on Assumption

Stop assuming, stop acting like vague is a new “cool” and start being proper in your life. In your work, in your social, in your personal lives. It does nothing but cause headaches and when you give half information you get back half results. Its just that simple.