OH NOS its attack of the Girl Gamer. Yep, its real I am a girl and I do indeed game. I guess it started back with Atari stealing a friends older siblings console and going at it. Oh how I miss those days and all the systems that have came out since the timing of my youth. Looking back now look at how far we have come with all of the new shinny’s that we can play as adults.

Being a girl gamer has advantages and disadvantages. We have catchy names and avatar’s to match, how quaint. To top it off we also get awesome shirts to go with our cute little outfits, since everyone knows we get dolled up before we log in to play any game. To answer just a few random questions I will list three tidbits a piece when I decide to go off in my rambles about gaming in general from a female POV.

– no I am not unemployed, but yes I am weird.
– yes I am wearing pink right now & no I will not send you my photo or other personal information.
– I prefer PS over Xbox or the Sega Genesis over Dreamcast, the SNES and yes I run dual monitors while playing WOW but that is more of an OCD issue when I want to also check on other things during the downtime of gaming.

Scared now? Me too, stay tuned for patches, err, I mean updates.