Everyone tends to whine and complain about their family, most stop at just this but others take a more devious route. We all know about heritage and culture, some even attempt to use web sites in order to find missing relatives that were either missing after years of separation or those you may have never even knew you had.

I have managed to do a few of these before and even through an agency years ago, the difference between real people and programs are that real people tend to take a liking to their work and are willing to help more than sometimes a program can do. Keep in mind, a program can only do what the programmer who made it wants it to do.

The biggest issue I do not get is when family talks about other family, now keep in mind I have done this before, but when I have a serious issue with someone to the point of not wanting to associate with them, I have no issues telling them this. The problem I have is when people talk a big talk and do nothing about it. Or they end up crossing off family who is real family, maybe the only family the person has left, and just does not care. Family can be blood or not, but the connection if its true, is real. When you end up crossing off so many, how many are going to end up at your funeral?

It gets a little sad after awhile and as I am still in the “prime of my life” I see so many people doing this. I am not buddy buddy with everyone in my family, but I still accept them as people in my family and still communicate with those, even when we have a difference of opinion. That is what family does.

Those who are weak tend to me those who are alone and do not have a good support group around them. Our roots make us stronger as individuals, same goes with the things in life, they make us stronger. You can remember your roots and decide to be a gardener and trim off the bad pieces or you can keep them. We all need a little character sometimes and that crazy Uncle Jim just might be the character your garden is missing. The good, the bad and the ugly. This lady remembers her roots, do you remember yours?