Its not even about being a hard core feminist but sadly even in this day and age, people still shun woman workers. Its well past that, stop looking at my chest and let me know how I can help you. I can do my job and I do it damn well, but some are too busy stuck in the past to realize that chicks can really do what they say they will and do it well. This comes all too often in my line of work and thinking about it, about a dozen more females that I closely know have the same issue yet time and time again we still shine when others dim. And do not forget, women love to shop so we all need a new professional wardrobe!

Some of the stat’s on the web are staggering to think about and while I hate dealing with resources since there are many reasons why the results are inaccurate, fake or a little of both sometimes its fun to look at and then sometimes its just sad.

– 68 million women work in the civilian labor force
– 63% of women work
– 54% of women work full time


Really, well what are the other 37% doing? I wonder where their facts come from too, I know many female workers both high up reaping the rewards of success and low down doing the dirty work.

No I will not be a nurse.

Now let me make clear, this remark is nothing against it but its not my style. I am a little too brute force at times to be in a care-giving field and I like it just where I am now. The only issue I deal with is the random person who wanders in thinking they know more about what I do, when really they are just speculating and assuming that they can low ball the lady.