As the holidays slowly creep up we start to think about things that we can change to make our lives a little less stressed, of course holidays bring stress but most times we think about this after the holidays not before. Maybe planning ahead would make for an overall better season if we did this?

Holidays should be a time of spending with those you want to spend time with, not those that you feel like you are being tortured by. Sometimes we have family that we do not really like, lets face it, we all have someone that we are not too fond of. For me its about spending time with people that I can be around 24/7 and not have any issues with, I do not want to feel like I am being tortured on my day off. No one wants that, so if you are working hard for a living you should also be able to choose who you want to spend your off time with.

I plan to better spend my time being useful than not, I also plan on telling people like it is and not holding things back to hurt peoples feelings. People just need to grow the hell up. Maybe I am making my resolutions earlier this year but after so many years of making and breaking its finally time to fine tune them out, ditch the bad and keep the good, then add more good too the good. This holiday season will not be like any of those in the past, it will be better. Not perfect (yet) but a job in the works.