As most state that we have the power of choice, each and every day we also have the power each day to learn something new. Even when its something simple – teach a man to fish type. I have lately set out to either try something new each day or at least learn something new. Just adding a new word into my vocabulary can end up coming in handy at some point or another, right? If that is the case then why are so many damn people lazy? Maybe its more fun to be a lazy-ass.

I think one of my largest pet peeves is when someone is given an opportunity to do better for themselves or their family, yet they waste it. I can think of at least a handful of people that I randomly hear about through social sites like Facebook that are once again given a truly amazing opportunity to do something better, something more for themselves or family yet they decide something meaningless is more important. This really bothers me and its not out of a jealously type of rage but its common sense. If you bitch & whine that you can’t do this or you can’t do that, but then pass over a great opportunity I honestly think you are wasting space on this earth and have zero pity for you. After that, I can only think to say the nicest thing I can think of; shut the fuck up & go away. People like this I have no need for in my life and the more I think about it now, the more I am ready to start deleting more people off my facebook account. The people like this who waste space, complain rather than do, and for the most part live their life out of the pockets of another – I totally have no use for you in my life, please go away. And I am only asking once.

I think the kick on facebook today is only due to watching The Social Network last night and while it was a pretty long movie it made me start to think about those I actually give a rats ass about. Yes I am nosy and sometimes I lurk on there but for the most part those I have added, I actually wanted to continue speaking with. And then there are the others, people I just have to facepalm over. Why are they even posting this crap? Are they really that damn bored? And please do not get me started on the people who post almost anything online. People with a lazy password who wonder why their accounts get hacked and then bitch that there is not enough security in the tech world. Others who post something stupid behind someone’s back, then somehow through the grape vine it gets back to the person and fights break out. Its like wow these people have no lives what-so-ever. Its like the entire social media sites have just all gone cuckoo and they blame the geeks for it.

Geeks sit back and laugh at the end user issues because you can only tell a rock that its a rock so many times before it starts to get it and that is only if you are lucky, the timing is right, the moon and sun are both in correct phases & did I mention that you need to be extremely quiet to see if it really works or not? I am highly entertained at the way people act and think. If I am lucky sometimes seeing the reactions to when the person may finally catch on with things that tend to be blank right in front of their faces. Seems like its almost the same type of hype energy and excitement you can get the first time you watch a struggling animal fight off its predator. Sit back and get comfy, its a predator vs. prey fight, lets see who can win and learn something new to better themselves or will they take the easy way out and pass. It is all about who will win, who has the most on their social site. The battle of the predator & prey? I wonder what that makes me? Most times amused if its a good day.