After so many years it finally kicks in how old you are. Just one day, blamo there it is. There have been a few of these days creeping up on me lately but today was a great one. I was randomly thinking back today, nine years ago I was in labor with my first child and I was thinking where I was in my life then compared to now. Of course its not perfect but its pretty close to it.

I can think back to being in a travel office surrounded by awesome people, some of the coolest people I have ever met were in this industry. While its just a notch of a few on my list of past jobs, it was a fun time. Right now I know someone about to have her first child, right around the same age I was when I had my own. She is going to have some fun with this one thats for sure.

Its interesting to look back and see how many things have changed and what you have actually learned from life experiences. When you get to the point in life that you can become a “wise old owl” you must have dozens upon dozens of stories to share, I guess that would be how part of “Shit My Dad Says” came about.

Nine years ago I was a cigarette smoker, now I am over a year without one even though I still ingest nicotine with my e-cigarette. No worries of dealing with the nasty health issues that come along with being a smoker for the rest of my life. I quit! I lived in an apartment (with good roommates even though they always loaded the dishwasher incorrectly), now I have a home with a yard not a gated community. It means more cleaning but its still awesome rather than having your neighbors behind the next wall over.

I also traded in one psycho cat that only allowed men near her if they were laying on the floor at her eye level for 2 cats, a dog and 2 Betta’s. My work is completely different, a few of my crowd of friends are still idling for some crazy reason along with the new ones & for the most part I am still the same but a little wiser. Not quite at the wise old owl stage just yet, maybe in another nine years. I have all types of things that I could ramble on about but for now I am thankful for what I have. I can work on the things I do not have in the future.