ABC: Alarm (car & clock), Barking, Cat

Let me start by saying that after I decided this year would be the year I get into a healthier place in life, I also realized that my sleep schedule is more insane than it has ever been in my entire life. This counting two pregnancies, working night shift and being silly in my younger years staying up late and waking early. Now I am trying for a normal time; completely routine and so far have only missed two days that resulted in sleeping in, today and yesterday.

Alarms; are more evil than my basement cat. As we laid down to sleep and hope to quickly count the sheep we were both disturbed by first the alarm clock that was magically going off after 11PM due to the hands of a toddler named Little Dog. Once the beeping ended when we ruffled to follow the sound in the dark to the crazy alarm clock that I use as a normal clock on my desk since its big numbers, has a temp gauge (for the tons of computers in the office area) and reminds me of the date – whats not to love? Oh yea, the alarm randomly going off at night when I am trying to sleep.

We then settle back down only to get to that perfect moment, the one right before you fall asleep and its almost peaceful. Then we hear the next alarm, a car alarm that is. Seems one of our neighbors has no idea how to properly work their car alarm and we later find this out about 15 minutes after they realize that its on and pissing off the neighborhood, then we get settled again to find out the damn thing going off AGAIN.

Barking; from the nicest dog in the world? Next of course is the barking of my outside dog who can bark from things like wind and rain to of course, a blaring car alarm that might be only one or two houses away. He was howling like a damn wolf in my back yard and while he is large enough to be one, he is not a wolf even if he thinks he is.

Cat; At this point I am laying in bed cursing and thinking maybe my evil outside cat might just be acting like a jerk and hopping up on said car/truck to annoy us as she loves to do. So we have the alarms, the barking and the cat… onto the next set!

ABC: Air conditioning, Bed, Claritin

Air conditioning; how I love thee. It is now the time when the sun is blasting its lovely rays down on us here in the south and now also time that the air conditioners are blowing that lovely cool air for us inside our dwellings. For some reason last night with all of this insanity going on I could not get conformable for the life of me. The A/C was on and working just fine but I felt like a miserable woman who was going through menopause too damn early. This can not happen and I am going to chalk it up to the craziness of last nights numerous interruptions of my sleep hopefully; otherwise its damn early and I do not want!

Bed, as I lay there wishing just to go to sleep before the new day starts again. I am sure that I laid there for at least 2.5 hours trying to get to sleep through all of the madness that was “last night” but still even with a great bed, the A/C and a nice fluffy pillow I could not get to sleep. The exercise daily is good for me but unless I finish up before a set time each day I am ending up like a pregnant woman cursed with RLS all night long, so add that to the mix and it was fun trying to get to sleep after the crazy stuff.

Claritin is the last on this list and with good reason. The past two weeks have been the worst I have had to deal with for southern state pollen counts. I was not even aware that the little scale went past 10 and lately its been almost 12. How do people cope with this? For the longest time anything OTC worked fine for me, now I am shelling out almost double what I used to spend on Claritin and while it works, in the end its just going to end up with me being immune to yet another OTC allergy/sinus med. I hate sinuses!