I want to wish all a Blessed and Safe Samhain. We are doing very little this year as the sabbath happens to fall on a Monday and its been super chilly outside. Those poor kids better bundle up this evening and they will have a good surprise with the temperature 50°F if they are lucky. It has been extremely chilly lately and some nights down into the 30’s. I think Fall skipped this year and we are heading directly into winter. This year will be fun as we normally only blessed only with ice, maybe we will get a few snowflakes as well.

I plan to get back to “Idiots that need tossed” sometime this week. Exercise was tolerable, after being off for a full week due to being sick. I was truly blessed even making the full 30 minutes within falling over and cringing of exhaustion. So far so good, its been a normal work day. Inbox’s flooded before I can peel my eyes open to look at the cell, getting a jump-start on the day ahead. More emails, more support tickets, more crazy people making me reiterate myself https://slotsonlinecanada.ca/. Thinking about it, I should rename myself the Reiterater.

Oh Monday’s caldron! This is always a funny topic for me. Most always talk of their mothers or grandmothers well-known recipes for setting or another. I can remember a few, none of my grandmothers though. Sometimes life deals you funny cards. By the time I was three or four I knew my gram was sick but I never fully understood it until I was older and that is another story for another day. Just note that there were no recipes to pass down. That is okay though as Monday’s caldron will make do with other goodies. Samhain cookies & pizza, maybe even ice cream or pie too. Diet days do not count on holidays. Now remember to have a Blessed Samhain and leave Devil Cat’s candies alone, she gets very testy if you get near her sweets.