Hopefully one day I can get my wish. On a boat? Oh I hope so! People tend to say I am mean when it comes to me wanting to toss people into a boat and drag them off to some far away island in order to not have to deal with these people anymore in my life. In my personal life, in my work life, life in general. I am so tired of seeing these people bitch & moan on the radio or on a TV station (even their own show if they are lucky enough). It does not matter, they just need to go away. Here are just a few of the “Idiots that need tossed” to start out with, I am sure this list will grow quickly seeing as I can never seem to run out of them. They must multiply like roaches.

Those who think that life is free come to mind here, esp. some of the protesting people who have been lucky enough to make the list. It’s free, just do it! I know, I am absolutely horrible. These are the people who are so self entitled it’s almost impossible to imagine their heads have not exploded yet taking out anyone within an arm’s reach of them. Some of these people I’m amazed they can walk through a doorway without their head getting stuck inside it. Help, help! My ego for my lack of self responsibly has taken over and manifested into self entitlement and now I am stuck in this doorway.

People who think that life is free and all that comes with it should be taken on a boat and let them drift to far off island. If they want to be merrier & chipper, thinking that everyone owes them something and they owe nothing – let’s let them! These people are idiots and having them on an island far off would be great! Away from me & those I hold dear in my life – we would all have a happier life. Two things are guaranteed in life; death and taxes. Guess what, you pay for both! You also pay for all of things in-between your life and death, this is what makes you a civil human being on this planet and not a mooch.

My next personal favorite is the crowd we like to call hypocrites. People who say one thing and then when you turn your head it’s the complete opposite. What, Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde much? These are just about as good as hypochondriacs who end up telling you everything that ails them when really its only a headache. Yes I do truly have that much time to listen to your 99 problems but a bitch ain’t one *sigh* Here is your ticket to the boat, turn left at the corner.

Next would be those people who instead of thinking everything is free in life and they should end up bestowed among all life’s riches have to offer for free, are those who really do not give a shit. The non-caring people who think you should care of course but they do not need to. If you do not care about working to support your family (in a legal and ethical way), taking care of your personal responsibility and overall contributing in a positive way towards your state, country, the world – darn, neither do I. Want a tissue? Here is your free ticket to the boat (self entitled people love that its free!), go down to Dock A.