These are just the four Q’s but I hope at some point I will get another set going. I am debating since its fall between some of the leaves from the dogwood or something else that mother nature can offer. Who knows this might turn into a normal thing for me. At least until I can get the painting underway. After that I will be bouncing between the infinities of life not counting the extra’s. Lets see blogging, painting & photography all should keep me pretty busy for a while. That does not even count the work I plan to do when I get back into my unpublished works and that will be a very long journey.

I should stock up on the caffeine now. At least I am pretty sure that I will be staying with the number four. I could have went with three but sometimes that number gets too much attention. We do not want the other numbers to get jealous, do we? It might even be best to toss the numbers around to spice things up, who knows what the future holds. Isn’t part of not growing up being sporadic?