Talented young artist from Yangon, Myanmar

This is the type of thing that inspires me to break out my Ninja Artist side and just let loose. I can not wait until we move into our new home, besides growing out of this one I will also have my home office. I still love to share when I can and you should always share when you care, but anyone who has shared a home office understands the reason most people prefer their own. After everything else in the new house is perfect I plan to set up an area for painting. By then I am sure my OCD will kick in. A place for everything and everything in its place, thanks mom!

I am thinking that the Ninja Artist will end up coming out at least a month after the move but that gives me plenty of time to get everything else settled in. So far I am envisioning the corner dedicated to painting complete with shelving space for all supplies, a large bookshelf for all the books I have collected so far along with room for future ones (maybe floor to ceiling), my desk wall and a sitting area. Nothing too fancy but everything that I will need for my room to actually be “my room”. I wonder how many things I can cram into a room before it becomes too cluttered, sounds like a challenge!

Its possible if I can swing it when the times comes, I will have extra time for both the blogging & painting. So far it has picked up slow but steady speed with the blogging. I have the ideas, I just do not have the time to set them out all at once. Thanks to the one who created drafts! Painting, this is something I have thought about forever. It ties directly into my written work over the years scribbled on paper & the sketches that are hidden in books now. For me it is something in general that I really just want to do, my personal hobby.

I can have my quiet time in my office, turn the computer sounds off, turn the music up, drink my tea, make out whatever pops into my head to splat on the paper and be good with it. I am not saying it will not take practice, Ninja Artist has been in hiding for quite sometime now, but in the end I know it will be another short way that I can distress and have some alone time. No more Calgon take me away, that never worked in the 80’s I doubt it will now. It will be my area to do what I want, when I want and how I want to do it.