What the hell was in the medicine I took today and why do I feel like I am walking in a Zombie dream? I actually woke up from a terrifying dream where Bruce Willis was chasing me for some unknown reason through a ton of crazy places. One being an apartment I lived at almost eons ago now, then through some cracked out traffic exchange similar to the ones you would see out in LA with 9 different on ramps. The ramps got a little weird, I remember in one part of it I had stopped to park whatever car I was driving (some mini SUV that was not mine) and we went up something like a service tunnel so actually walking through the concrete back-ends in twisty staircases). This was only the tip, there was a greeting party at the top of the tower with random people I kind of recognized but now looking back have no clue who these people were.

They were of course more than willing to protect me and give another escape hatch to get out from, double back to the car and then leave. After that the dream jumped to some weird outskirts of the city (again, no idea what city I was in) near a shack where I was then running on the roofs of homes to get away from this guy. I have no idea what I did or how I did it. Heck, as far as I know, I might not have even done it! What I would love to know is what the hell is in Robitussin?

I have battled this stupid cold now for two weeks, today is week 3 – day 1. The first week was horrible and I swear I wanted to die. I went from hot to cold & back in the blink of an eye. I felt the worse I may have in my life but still too stubborn to visit a doctor. By the end of the week I felt fine and after missing a full week of exercise I was ready come that Monday to get back on the machine and go through my normal routines. Up early in the morning before everyone else, workout for my 30 minutes followed by snapping a picture so I can keep track of my progress, get a shower and continue on my way.

That changed when the weekend hit and again I started to feel like I had pushed myself a little too much but not enough to stop exercising. Week 2 was for the most part decent, records show that I broke a few of my past exercise days so I thought I was getting better, good progress my ass. Again by the time the weekend cropped up and I was happy to get a break from work it only followed with a sickness that was stalking me at this point. I have managed the past few days to get through most of the day with part of my voice.

If you time it right, about 2-3pm each day my voice is gone. I am hacking up my lungs now like I never did when I smoked for almost twenty years. I even managed to hack so loudly last night to scare from dead sleep the cat, dog and spouse. I joke saying that is my ninja secret attack for when I am disturbed while sleeping. The sad truth is I scared myself into waking up too. It is almost like the buzzing sound of an alarm clock (which I hate) but about 100x worse. Right now I feel like a walking zombie, I am me but I feel weird in my skin.

For now I am stuck on vitC pills which I need to crush up to take the horse-pills, Sucrets herbal (everyone is going herbal now I guess) and Robitussin. Now if I could only figure out what the hell is in Robitussin so I can make Mr. Willis stop trying to hunt me down like I am a terrorist or something.