It it that magical time again when I start thinking briefly how old I am, the stupid things I did as a youth and the wise things I have done as an adult. It will be another year older soon enough & the countdown has begun. I think I have finally reached the age where the smart outweighs the stupid, each year tacked up is another tipping the scale in the right direction. I am somewhat amazed since the past few years have just slipped right by, each year going quicker than the last. It makes me wish for those days of having snow days during the winter, or even a nice long winter break like school kids get now. I bet if more work places implemented that fewer workers would be grumpy all the time.

A diplomat is a man who always remembers a woman’s birthday but never remembers her age. – Robert Frost

Frost had it right, women never like to talk about their age expect to other women. If you are man you might as well count your blessings trying to have a good conversation about a woman, her age and all the fun that comes with it. I think for this year I am just going to take the day off and do whatever I want. For the most part I think I could get away with it too expect that my birthday lands on a week day this year which totally took me by surprise looking at the calendar last week.

And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.

Lincoln had it right too, I see tons of people who always have regrets for one thing or another but looking bad they all either did something they regretted or they did nothing. If you are not trying something then you are going to let the fear eat you alive until you then start to regret it. Hopefully this year will be full of fun surprises, great events, random nonsense & zero fear. Coming this far in this long the last thing I want to do is have something or someone stop me in my tracks and halt the process of growing as an individual and having my life lived with wasted moments.