Do it right, with a smile. How do you do it right, with a smile? It is simple and I plan to start this week off in this exact way. I have countless things to be thankful for and the blessings in my life are all amazing.

We watch a good many shows and one that stands out is Holmes on Homes, if you are not aware of the show its great & you should check it out. A film crew follows him around while he fixes homes that have been destroyed by disasters or shoddy contractors, most who bold face lie to the home owner and provide nasty work for outrageous prices. The main character always talks about doing it right. If you do it right the first time then you are not burning time and resources later when you need to go back and fix it.

So what about doing it right with a smile? One of my (many) sisters always jokes to people about smiling & making a new friends each day. Why can this not apply when you are doing something correctly as well? Smile, be productive & make a friends each = triple win. We always hear the old phrase killing someone with kindness, how about smiling while you are doing all that needs to be done the first time around? Seems logical to me. Do it one time and its done. Or you can leave it for another day but what is the fun in procrastination?