Yea I know what a crazy title; friendship is the most important ingredient in a hotdog, what does it mean and what does a hotdog have to do with it? Well one day when you grow up and have kids if your own you will hear the most random things possible in life, things that never really relate, or can they?

As I tack on each new year (and I am coming up on another one next month) I notice the circle of my friends growing smaller and the circle of my acquaintances growing larger. People are moved between the groups randomly and this week is no difference. Most social sites have a ton of random information online but sometimes while they can be useful its also always great way to weed the so-called friends out of your life with the click of a button. Many times over the person helps you to take care of quicker and even help you along the way but they just do not realize some of the shit they post until after its already been posted.

I find this completely entertaining when it comes back to bite them in the ass later. People broadcast all types of information on these sites and then wonder why sometimes people look at them odd or just decide their insanity is not worth the effort anymore. You should not have to try over and over to be someones friend, either you are or you are not. There is no in-between, you do not have “half friends”, you just have them or you don’t. It’s actually quite simple.

Something I will not tolerate though is when people only speak to you knowing part of the story & then judge you for it and that is the lesson for today. I seriously chewed someone out today for pretty much trolling me publicly when they only knew part of the truth. The only thing worse than that is the person had no reason to even open their mouth in the first place. I never mind a healthy debate over anything but at least get your facts right before you open your mouth, or in this case, actually type words on a screen and hit enter. Do not bring a knife to a gun fight comes to mind, so does not saying anything if you do not have anything nice to say.

It did not ruin my day either, in fact I spent most of the day out and about running errands from store to store trying to find the perfect new dinning room table and I did. It is amazing and will be here on Wednesday, so when I am taking my lovely break from work that afternoon I can sit at a brand new spanking mahogany table pub style and look at its great glass tile inlays sipping my tea. After all Wednesday is also the day I find out if I hit my mini goal or not, double win!