It is all about SWTOR at the beginning of the adventure and I am sure this entry will take most of the evening to complete but hey I started it late and that is what you get for reading this crazy blog in the first place. For anyone who is not aware at this point (you are living under a rock) the game is amazing. How can anyone being to warp into the mind that is George Lucas, take everything we have grown to love about such a series and tie in into a single game?

I am guessing it’s not all that easy seeing as it took them what seemed like almost forever & a day to complete. For those lucky enough you could play Thanksgiving weekend during their Beta Weekend event. There are very few phrases in life that stand out at pivotal moments of ones life; after the birth of both of my children “You have a healthy baby…” or from those closest “You did good”. For this it was reading “Your account has been selected to participate in an upcoming Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Beta Weekend Test”. Getting that email mid-day in the middle of one of the busiest Fridays we have had lately while being slammed at work 24/7 just made the day go by slower.

The weekend was great. Who would not love extra leftovers from Turkey Day and gaming during your down time? I rolled a toon I thought that I would love after searching for more information online to make sure I was not wasting time on a toon that I would hate later on. Let me just say that taking the time to pre-order a game that you know you will love is – without a thought in my mind; amazing. You get extra goodies this way and you never have to wait until the launch date to play; early access is something that you can pamper yourself with knowing you have one upped the others who are stuck waiting.

At the end of this I am guessing you wonder what is going on with the title of this piece? It really does not seem all that catchy does it?

I want to wear robes of solid gold

For those who know a bit about the game each can vouch for just how many voice overs there are in the game and all are without a doubt individual to the character they are for (and brilliant). This particular line came from a random voice over during a quick session last night after turning in a quest. The choices to pick good or bad are scattered throughout the game and when you get to interact with the NPC’s it just brings out more satisfaction as a game. Anyone that loves radio plays can appreciate this game, even if you sadly have no inkling about who Paul Harvey is. The voice overs are amazing and truly fit the vibe the game gives off. The content is vivid to the point that I need a new monitor *hint hint*. And not having to do the daily grind of random things that get boring after the first week is just superb.

Counting back to all the games I have played (and there are stacks of them I am sure), this is the only one so far that has held my interest from start to stop. I do not game 24/7 and I am not gaming every day but I am enjoying the time I spend in-game and with the people I share it with.

(Translation: and now back to your regularly scheduled programing)
And now you know the rest of the story