It worked for a good bit but as much as I would love to blog daily it’s just not possible. I would rather wait until something comes to me and its profound in my head than rack the good old noggin and only have part of a complete work. That is just silly and its highly time-consuming. Too many things are going on lately to try to stack more projects on top of each other just waiting to see which one falls off the stack first. I think its just like I stated long ago;

There are days I may want to write & my mind does not, then there are those other days I may not want to write & my mind will be non stop.

On a completely random note I love that no matter what I do, when I blog via cell (last entries proof) it loves to change “and” to “abduction”. I really need to get that damn thing figured out, who wants to be dumber than their smart phone? That is the scoop for now, until another day when I have time to breath and write without feeling forced. No time no entries for now, so sorry.