The only true death is the fear to try, I like it! I totally forget where it came from but lately I keep hearing random things that seem to work great for blog entry titles, who knew right? This one makes me think back to all the times I hear people say that they want to do something or they wanted to and never did. It never hurts to try so for those people still not living their dreams or doing what they love they can really only blame themselves.

If you do not try then you are stuck in a rut and no one can help you out of it. You can not help someone not willing to receive the help and sometimes those who can not help themselves should not expect a free hand out either. Reminds me of another quote from years ago by a guy that you would never think could be such a philosopher type. By his looks you would think he spent all of his days in a gym getting bulked up and for the most part he did. If you talked to him in a little side chatter you would think he is as dense as a rock but if you ask him to spat out random thoughts you would get something like “A wise man once said, there are no true dreams; only true dreamers”. Kind of interesting when you think about it coming from a guy who spent most of his free time fighting for events like Rage in the Cage.

I think people get too caught up in the process of trying to carry out something, no matter what that something is, the technicalities of it are what most times hold them back. People really need to suck it up and move forward. You can not move up in life if you are always moving in reverse. If more people think about this before diving into something I bet they would be more successful.

This week I will be trimming that great social site list again, getting rid of the people who keep trying to bring everyone in into their misery because they want the company. Too many people like this seem to flock to me like flies on shit and that is really the last thing I need (or want) in my life now. I have more important things to do with my limited time and playing in a pissing content with the “poor me’s” of the world is not one of them, either learn to try or keep the negativity to yourself.

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