Each day during the business week I wake up, I work and I go about my normal life. Some people are staying up late to party with money they do not have, take random trips to who cares where and then complain that there is no easy way out. No dear, there isn’t. You get up, you work hard you reap the rewards. What is so hard to understand about that? There is no pill for my situation…or your own, now go get a haircut & get a real job. Then count your blessings that you actually have a job in this economy no matter what the rate of pay is.

Tons of people seem to always want some easy way out. I really do not get it either, everyone I know who is successful at anything busted their ass to get where they are. Somewhere along the line people just got lazy and I have no idea which generation it happened in but now its gotten to the point where even the adults are lazy. There is no pill for my situation is all about not taking the easy way out, there is no magic pill that will fix all of your issues in life. You are not Alice in Wonderland with a choice between a special mushroom that does things for you. You are not Neo in the Matrix with the choice of a blue or red pill. Suck it up and work hard at something for once in your life. No fairy god mother is going to show or a random genie to grant you those three wishes either.

I remember my mother telling me that her father worked for years at a garage he owned, he loved cars of any type and making sure that people drove safe & reliable cars was all that he was about (besides a few other things that if I listed might incriminate his good name). Now I have no idea if this is true or not only because I never met the man, I only heard stories of him. My father on the other hand, while he could work he did. I did the same, my first job outside of the normal one for any female (babysitting) was when I was a teen. I worked odd jobs off and on between the end of school kamagra price in india. Once I was 18 and moved out, I still worked. Thinking back on it now my between my junior and senior years I pretty much worked a full-time job while in school and there have been very few months in my life when I was “not working”. Now I see kids that can not even help around the house with random chores that are simple, like picking up their shit around the house. I swear if my give year old can do this, a teen can. The only thing that tops that are the adults who are lazy – what the hell gives? How do you lead by example if you don’t!

This goes back into the cycle that I think happened early when welfare came out, people found a way to exploit the system and many took full advantage of it. I wonder if the first generation born into the welfare system started this ball rolling? I mean really, I am the youngest of a six blended family and I am the youngest. That means even on a estimate my youngest older sibling from me is about 14 years my senior. All of them work, I work, what gives with everyone else? I see these lazy people in patterns too, it can be from a parent to their kids, or one person and then after hanging around with them for too long its like a contagion and they poof their friend is unemployed just chilling at home messing around on Facebook instead of getting a damn job and giving back into the system.

I wonder if people actually realize the more they beat a system for years and years with this type of abuse, eventually its going to fail? The same thing applies for anything in life, a person, system or item can only take so much. I would say that people need to grow up but at this rate I doubt anyone actually gets past the sparky mentality of a preteen. We have “adults” running around saying they are taking care of their kids when really they are just popping out more kids to have the older kids take care of the younger ones. People who are saying they can not get a job because of whatever reason. You can either answer that with “Well I got a degree in such and such and there are no jobs for that market” or “I am not going to get minimum wage”, dumb-asses. Look no one said every job market will be successful forever, whoever told you that was estimating, if you were dumb enough to believe it then you need to get #ontheboat. If you really need a job, you will take any job that comes your way. If you are too picky you will just continue to be a whiny brat who should be #ontheboat too.