This Mother Hen has a nice way to say sayonara. My patience runs for so long and then it dries up like a desert in the Sahara. I was originally thinking up a piece for this and had saved a nice rough draft in my phone with it being titled something like free bird. I can only guess that it was not meant to be as I checked it out today to find it never saved at all or my cell provider ate it. Now I sit here thinking was it only a dream within a dream?

Mother Hen, its hard work man! Over the years it seems I have been too open and willing to do this, sometimes even to the point of having more chicks that I can handle. Many never actually realize how important a Mother Hen is, let alone give a random thanks here & there. There have been a few months of the silent treatment on the blog and I do apologize, this Mother Hen has been busy beyond belief. I swear for those few readers out there, it was not intended when it happened. Life is just sometimes that, life, and it happens. I have thought this over dozens of times in my noggin and if I lose a few friends in the process so be it. Goodbye Mother Hen, it has come to the end of a long and tiresome reign.

I thought long and hard about how I planned to tackle this hole I dug myself into over the years, or should I say decades? A few times in the last month or so I really did need an ear to bend only to find no one available at time, or even at all. I slowly started to weed out those who I trust and what I trust them with, it seems safer that way. Call me a hermit I’m begging you but I would rather trust a small group of people with the personal details of my life than try to broadcast airings to people who prefer to take & not give. What is the point if people are greedy? Goodbye Mother Hen could not have come at a better time in my life now, it *feels* right.

I am going to take this time to nicely but swiftly kick every little chick out of the nest now. Similar to what a normal mother bird would do. Even a little like when I swept my front porch off last evening and took down a bird’s nest. It is not my fault that there was an egg in there, must have been a bad mother bird not looking after her chick. Anyone for an omelet while you wait for the Phoenix? Wave Goodbye Mother Hen, she is signing off.