Social Site Ramblings is just the start of something I plan to followup on a great deal, every day I see something new and add it to my mental list of things that people do which make me grunt. A great pet peeve of mine is when people want to add you to a social networking site only to add you to it and collect you as a friend. I think the only thing that tops this is when someone adds you only to spy on you. I am still debating which of the two is worse but it’s honestly a pretty dead on tie at this point. If people want to collect me then I should get to charge them a fee for it. There are a few people who have done this in the past and I was quickly tossed them out. What gives someone a right to spy on me, or even spy through me to my friends?

I am thankful that I split people off into different groups, between Google Plus having options to “circle” people and now Facebook (imitating) with their “listing” feature I sort people by the way I know them. For the record not a single soul is in my best or favorite, this includes my spouse. One of the best Social Site Ramblings is that people who tell me I must have so and so in my close friend list, no I don’t. Who says? My best friend is my spouse and he already knows that, I do not need to stalk him online if I want to see what he has done recently on a social site I will go to his page.

I have people who I have worked within the past, people I work with now, family, friends and even some random acquaintances. This does not mean that I want every single person in the world knowing my business and part of the reason I have further locked down random permissions, including people posting on my wall. Sorting people is also nice as it takes away from the extra social site ramblings of people posting a ton of nonsense back to back that I have to manually sort through only to find the important stuff two hours later. Talk about one thing to etch of the Social Site Ramblings list, that is a biggie right there!

I am sure that if given enough time I could write a few books on Social Site Ramblings, surfing for less than an hour I could come up with a quick Top 25 list. Speaking of random wall posts; I would enjoy it more if someone ever had an issue with me to come to the horse’s mouth. Call me up, email, text, tap on my shoulder, drop a letter in the postal mail, knock on my front door or even IM me but do not dare publicly attempt to harass or belittle me. It is just one more to add to the list of Social Site Ramblings when you have a big sign to hang around your neck as another titling you dipshit when you are attempting to be subtle talking about someone without mentioning them. It’s not snarky, it’s not cute, its dumbassery and didn’t I already mention where #idiotsonaboat need to go to?

Seriously, what year are we in now that people think trolling is acceptable behavior on someones public page and then not expect your ass to get chewed out after the fact? Yes trolling is on the list of Social Site Ramblings and sometimes its funny, but let’s face it, it’s really not for everyone especially those who are mentally sub-normal. If you are dead wrong you are exactly that, own up & move on. Too many people think that hiding behind a computer screen is acceptable adult behavior. Put your damn adult hat on, wear it with pride and act like you have a tad bit of common sense. I guess my limits for people I associate with also need to include “not acting like a dipshit”.

There are tons of people who also post seriously bad things online. I know I bitch about online etiquette,but some people need handbooks or a permanent stapled note. Part of Social Site Ramblings has to do with people just being lazy and it seems as the years go by the worse it gets, social sites are just one example. I am really considering setting up a small publishing project to mail out flyers for people and staple it to their hand so each time they type something they have a personal reminder from me.

Stop saying that you are cutting work/school for a concert or how much your boss is a jerk, women put your shirts down and de-fish your lips, men stop saying how much you want a random lady online especially when its a friends family member that you are taking about in public, in vulgar tones and parents – damn, stop letting your underage kids have accounts without properly locking them down. Tact baby, use it or lose it.

Long ago I tried to stay online with the mind-set that “friends” belonged on places like Facebook and Twitter, but co-workers only belonged on LinkedIn. Now it seems there is a little cross site action going on but for the most part it works. Only those I truly trust with extra information are on my pages that have personal things. I am vetting these people like its Fort Knox and they fully understand the position I am in along with why I do it, for that I am thankful. Hopefully the next set of Social Site Ramblings will be a little less lengthy but for an intro I have to say it’s not my worst word count of rambles.


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