I thought I would take some time to explain for those who are still unaware of what Weigh Day Wednesday is and how it came to be. There have been good days and bad ones with a few iffy days mixed in between. For the past year and a half I have worked out M-F every week, almost religious like. In total I may have skipped out on two and a half weeks due to illness in the family but otherwise every week whether I liked it or not.

Maybe you do not need a Weigh Day Wednesday of your own, it could be a Flatten Out Friday or a Thin Tuesday. I weigh myself once a week, anything more than that and you are just asking for trouble. Weights will always fluctuate depending on the day, even between the times of day you hop on the scale. Pay attention to how to properly weigh yourself and you will be on key in no time. I prefer Wednesdays as the day of the week I started was on a Wednesday so for me each week its like a little anniversary day.

On this Weigh Day Wednesday I can honestly say in the past 1 year, 5 months & 2 days I have worked out as best possible for someone who has never needed to worry about weight. The title Get off your fat ass skinny white girl should let every reader know that if anything, I needed to gain weight for a long time. I guess I took that a little extreme in my past, so it’s a good thing I can still learn from my own mistakes. Today I can celebrate losing a total of 50.8 pounds and my own crazy routine is actually quite relaxing. Those reading might want to give it a go, the only thing you have to lose is weight itself.