It is far from the diagnose for me having the change of life, I am far from the menopause gap pending I do not take after my mother. I have to say in the last week I have had plenty of time to sit and think, that is before the narcolepsy kicks in again and I nod off, then I just dream about retirement.

There are no issues with working hard or playing hard, most of my select friends do this every day but I do not want to work myself to death either. Over the years I have seen too many “young people” end up with serious heart issues and I do not want to add to that list, especially since I am a good decade younger than those “young people”. Besides that, heart issues already run in my family. I will be okay in about a month to exercise again but I am not going to run myself into an early grave.

In the past I have just buzzed through life as most others have; sleep, eat, work then rinse & repeat. I remember a friend of the family years ago calling me a “fart in a whirlwind”, that is great but it does get old after a while. Right now looking back at say the past 15 years of life I have just worked. I worked more than most have and by most I mean those who complain that it is okay to get government bailouts to help them. The same people who sit on their ass every day doing nothing. How can anyone do that and still stay sane? I hate the idea of being bored so that would never work for me but I am willing to alter my life to enjoy it more.

Mondays child is fair of face,
Tuesdays child is full of grace,
Wednesdays child is full of woe,
Thursdays child has far to go,
Fridays child is loving and giving,
Saturdays child works hard for his living,
And the child that is born on the Sabbath day
Is bonny and blithe, and good and gay.

After the elections last night I watched as many of the statistics came in, those for my age group and many others. I am surprised at the number of people who are out of jobs but even worse I am surprised at the lack of people who do not seem to want to work. I have never had a problem working, if anything the way I grew up led me to want to work harder to carry out more of the things I wanted out of life. Isn’t that the reason most of us work? It is not just to pay for the needs but it is also to work hard, dream big and be able to afford the wants just the same.

I guess I am most shocked at how the downfall came when the idea came along and everyone hopped on the bandwagon wanting to “do nothing” and they were okay with that. Then the mentality became almost like a sports event, how many people can do nothing while still annoying the rest of us. How can someone call themselves a decent human being when they are willing and able to work yet do not? I am not taking about those who have a serious reason to not be working (illness, disability, etc.) but I am talking about the lazy asses who think it is better to do nothing than do anything.

I will save my thoughts on those who refuse to take low paying jobs over any paying job just because they can, the reason is simple, they can because they are lazy and the rest of us let them get away with it. This leads me back to my original thought of cutting back on working so hard. My change of life will be trimming down on things that I choose, but many others out there need their own change of life in order to start contributing more than just wasted space & air. I am pretty sure if you stand me next to a “lazy one” I could still run circles around them with pneumonia while still hacking my head off. This makes me want to round-up all the lazy and unwilling people and send them on their merrier way – #idiotsonaboat


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