Nerdy and narcoleptic, pneumonia is not stopping me from anything but it does slow you down! For anyone not aware, pneumonia feels like an elephant sitting on your chest. A big, fat, angry elephant who sometimes likes to jump around usually when you are getting up to walk somewhere other than 2′ away from where you started from. I have been through enough that not even pneumonia will put me to a full halt, I am still resting and have a good way to go before I am back to normal again. I have been through so many things in life it is almost laughable but no, pneumonia is not going to bring me to a dead stop.

When I finally had a laptop within my hands at the hospital it was like a little miracle. I was starting to go through the normal withdrawal symptoms any geek would, shakes & all. After getting things together to organize how baby nerd was getting to school the next day, emailing the teacher about what was going on, sending my better half home with a list and then getting back through traffic it was close to 7PM before I had anything other than my smartphone with me. By that point the phone was about dead and I was only using it for random communication to do only the things on the “must list”.

I guess walking into a hospital room to see a lady with pneumonia breaking out a laptop, cell and personal vaporizer all on chargers was a little weird to them. Then again to be fair this hospital is usually treating elderly patients and I doubt most of them are laying in bed thinking about support tickets, school volunteer work, all the pets at home that need fed or how much laundry is piling up for them when they get home.

“Doctor, are you sure I’m suffering from pneumonia? I’ve heard once about a doctor treating someone with pneumonia and finally he died of typhus.” “Don’t worry, it won’t happen to me. If I treat someone with pneumonia he will die of pneumonia.”

I have cut my work part in due to being too tired to deal with it and partly because my medicine still makes me feel like a narcoleptic. And here my mother thought I could sleep for hours on end in my teen years, oh how proud she would be now. I have done very little work of course but I did give a heads up to some of my co-workers, who again are amazing at what they do & I am quite lucky to have all of them.

I did answer a support ticket for a client who needed help and after-all I was bored. What else was I going to do, flip through the amazing channels that the hospital TV comes with? My appetite is coming back, compared to last week it feels like I am pigging out even though I know I am mostly eating normal. I will not be exercising again until at-least the 7th of December but after the goals I have already set in the past two years (and hit) I am not that worried about it.

This along with looking back at past family medical issues is just another reason I have needed and now will cut back on certain things in my life to prolong the life I do have. I have already quit smoking after almost two decades, I eat better than I did years ago and have cut out a great deal of caffeine. I won’t be one of those assholes who gets sick, brushes it off, continues their life on a short stick and then blames everyone but themselves for their own lack of personal responsibility.