It is time for another Social Site Ramblings and I must be one cold-hearted bitch for my thoughts that relate to all the people I would love to gather up, give a paid one way ticket on a cruise to a magically island for them to never return again. These are just a few of the people I would put on the boat, ship them off to never-never land and count my lucky stars that they are away from the normal people of the world. At the rate we are going as a society both local and international the list might be never-ending, here are just a few;

Complainers over trivial issues (you are a time waster, see below ranting)
Time wasters (start using your time more efficiency for everyone’s sake)
“Parents” who are bad at their job (those who should not be parents)
Those who don’t use birth control (stop over populating the world)
Women who use abortion as birth control (you are all horrible in my eyes)
Drama Queens (when I was born this was the first group of people I came to dislike)

I am not about to get all German on all the idiots and put them in a concentration camp like Hitler did, but damn we need to do something. I seriously purpose purchasing an island big enough for all of them. And if we can not send them to an island we could just send them to another planet, hell they could even take part in naming their new nation. If it swings that way I might need to change #idiotsonaboat to #idiotsonaplanet but that is not a big issue or inconvenience for me.

Today as all other days since I was cursed with viral and bacterial pneumonia I have worked to get caught up on work, so far only one deadline will not be met. I can honestly say that nothing today has really gone bad other than having to deal with a time waster which made me think of this entry in the first place. I still have a few others that are kicking around in my noggin and when I get more pieces together I will have to set up some drafts and work on them a little at a time, since now I am pressed for it. Time for dinner – cheers crazy people who read this stuff.

Disclaimer: Drama Queens, not Drag Queens. I have some Queens who are great friends & who are fucking fabulous, do not confuse the two they will beat your ass.