For those following I have dropped my workouts on the down to three times a week on the RB. I am substituting out two of those “free days” as mountain bike days pending weather. So far it has been pretty interesting and it is a good bit of work. Journey of the non-agility lady continues.

On the three days of the week where I am on the Recumbent Bike I am also working with weights and squats for the first time in about ten years. I started out on a glider type setup and I see no issues with anyone else who is willing to do the same. You have to start out somewhere, right? You could be on a glider, treadmill or just go out your front door and walk. You are still doing something and something is better than nothing which seems to be where many of us go wrong.

After a car wreck, add in a little Scoliosis and having children I do not have the best back in the world. I opted for a Recumbent Exercise Bike to make sure that I would not end up with excessive strain. Between my back, ankles & knees I have some issues. The ankles pop when I am walking down a staircase and the knees are bad from years of skate boarding but to be fair it is damn good exercise. The only issue with that is pushing too much on the same leg tends to make your legs uneven, for a woman it is not very attractive.

It might not be for everyone but it helped me to get to a point where I wanted to increase my workouts, even as minimal as they may be. I have lifted 3x a week for a few months now, and even about a month or so before I caught the dreaded pneumonia. Now in the past month I have added in mountain biking and the journey continues. Looking over the calendar for the month since I have started to use Endomondo how could I not be happy? Challenge accepted!
