We have a brand new spanking year already in full swing. A week in and the week has zoomed by like a flash of lightning in the middle of a thunder-storm. It is another year of growing, learning, making mistakes – Rinse & Repeat. One of the best things that each new year brings; just like each new day brings, is the chance to do better this time around. I plan to make the year an amazing one. So amazing it may even go down in history. A year avoiding slack, a year totally avoiding going down the same lazy road yet again.

I really do not think I have been nearly as lazy in the past with my blog as I have with this one in the past year or so. At this point I think dictation software might just be the way to go. I am going to try to start a (late) New Year’s Resolution to blog more. That silly attempt I tried last time, blogging daily, well that is just about as stupid as a horse with tap shoes on. That is of course unless he is a damn mighty steed who knows how to move to the beat.

Lately the beat has been busy. Holidays, random craziness, family, work and the list goes on. At least the things which are constant in my life are always dependable, especially the craziness I have never tried to theme this site out before but now it is two-fold. I have an actual theme that I need to do something with and at some point I really need to figure out where this site is going. Who knows? This one might change yet again. The last blog seemed to ramble on, at least the rambling is constant!

Speaking of constant, work has been pretty good but seeing as I work with words all day long sometimes the last thing I want to do is write something down. Even if that means typing it all out, let’s face it – this long on a computer and my handwriting is worse than that of a doctor. Speaking about it, I might write a few things down the old fashion way, maybe twice a month if that. And that is a heavy maybe. Signing those holiday cards did me in last month and I am set for at least another six weeks of being free from the dreaded paper.

Over the next week or two I will need to figure out what the plan is with this blog, and then start to get the ball moving in the right direction to stay on course. I have great support in almost everything I do from a close-set of friends & family, so I am thankful for the people in my life who make it all worth it, many are completely priceless. The ones who were negative in the past have been left there, no need to move forward with dead weight. Happy (late) New Year’s everyone, better late than never.