The first time I was called upon to deliver the justices I had just given birth to my first born. I ended up calling in and explaining what was currently going on in my life, they politely excused me. I guess giving birth to another human being and also going back to work full-time within the first month or so showed that I already had my hands full. Now the second time I was called upon to deliver the justices I was just shocked when I received the news. It was like they were intentionally monitoring what was going on and again nailed me to the panel after I had given birth.

I honestly started to think that somehow they ended up picking random people for jury duty was severely broken. I mean who in their right mind would pick the same person within a four year difference, in two different states for the same thing. I guess I just had weird luck. After going in for jury duty in this past week I met people from all walks of life and of all age groups. The “jury by your peers” does not actually boil down to people within your own age group. I met people who were just barely out of high school and those past the standard retirement age.

From what I can tell, at least within this state the jury duty is selected by total randomness. A computer does it, but you would really think that given my current age I would have been called (and required to attend) more than the two previous times. I guess the third time really is the charm. I was selected and I let a few key people know, those that might need to help out while I could be away.

I went in on the date required, after sending in my notice. When you don’t send the little letter back in the mail they kind of get annoyed by you. I took it all stride at this point, I knew why it was important, I knew what was needed of me and as most of those reading now – if you were stuck in court and asked for a trial by jury you would want people who were at least semi-responsible to be there, right?

I sent in my notice and figured I would not get picked yet again. I have no idea why other than the last two experiences I barely dealt with. I did not worry, I was not thinking I could be excused as I had no legit reason to “bail out”, nor do I prefer to bail on anything in life. I don’t have any children under the age of seven, I am not currently a student nor am I active in the military so I did my due diligence. It makes sense, do it, get picked (or not) and you are clear for a two year time span.

From the past experience of others I knew that it would be in my best interest to follow the book and try to avoid anything that would bring up a conflict of interest. The few lawyers I know don’t practice in this state, and most of the news I read is online and not local (unless by word of mouth). To me the news is depressing and while I know what is going on outside in my “merry world” I don’t need to drown my sorrow every single day with having to see or read the terrible things that people do to one another in the world.

Once I knew the dates I needed to attend, I looked up the address to make sure I gave myself plenty of time to get lost. Being the child of a trucker I know very well that I did not inherent my fathers genes when it comes to any sort of navigation. Isn’t that why I have a smartphone anyway? I showed up early in the week, decently dressed (as most know I am not that flashy) and I found out that for summary court they actually select names out of a box. I was expecting a top hat, but for the virgin I guess you get what you get, I was still optimistic. The Optimistic Jury Duty continues…more in part two!



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