Why Optimistic Jury Duty, yep. Well, why not? Too many people hear those two magic little words and run for the hills. I figured I would take a different approach to it. Lately I have tried to get back into that small part of life where there is no chaos, pretty much just taking things with a grain of salt and continue on my merry way. Why should jury duty be any different from water rolling off a ducks back?

I guess I should explain that I ended up being summoned outside of the town that I live in. To me that was a little odd but I went with it. I know the computer picks people at random so maybe it felt like I needed a little travel in my life, won’t debate it. I ended up getting there early and I was amazed because by the time I got out of the place the parking lot was overflowing into the next parking lot. The place was small but it looked like there was a bit of organization going on so I figure it can’t be that bad.

Walking into the door I was greeted by a woman behind a closed glass window. This looked promising but I thought if anything crazy breaks out, I am sure, or at least I hope I am sure that people with guns and tactical gear come blazing out of a secret doorway ready to protect us. I was checking in and told to walk through some doorway and *poof* I was in court. Let’s just say it is a tad on the smaller side for some of the courthouses I have seen.

I took a seat in what was similar to a church pew and that got me into thinking about getting sworn in on a Bible. Does anyone here know what happens when you need to get sworn in on one and then look at the judge in confusion explaining that the “God” everyone talks about in the Bible Belt is not exactly the same one that you believe in? Yea, me neither.

We took attendance which flashes me back to my school days (or lack of attendance if I am being honest here). And then we waited. And waited. And then we waited some more. There was a nice guy who came out to check on us over the next 90 minutes and would randomly crack a decent joke. But that was pretty much it, about 50-60 people in a small courtroom just chilling. Once everyone was signed in and mostly accounted for we were on our way. I sat quietly and read a book, after looking around I noticed I was the only book nerd in the joint.

Everyone else was too busy playing with their phones and having the sounds blasting away. After about 20 minutes everyone that should have been there came in and the judge took his seat. They picked names out of a box and I was told to come back later in the week. The Optimistic Jury Duty continues…more in part three, stay tuned and enjoy a safe & happy holiday break.
