Do you know those people who ramble on about missing time? Many people tend to think it only happens when people are abducted or kidnapped, some type of crazy drama going on in their lives – real or made up. For myself its more like the real deal. I actually am not thinking about some type that little green men popped out of a flying saucer to borrow me for experimental reasons. I am really missing time here. It ran away, changed its name and left no forwarding address. Lately life has been busy, its been busy in many spurts and most times the downtime is far and few between. When there is downtime, the times tend to come almost like a hot flash does. Here for a second and gone the next.

Within the next few entries I hope to better explain this and if lady luck is on my side I would hope to sit down a normal time to get my ramblings in order, getting those ducks in a row seems to take more time than I had originally planned. Life only throws at you what you can handle, right? 🙂