At this rate I figure I will be there well within the next decade. It is not about being a bitter old woman its about having a lack of patience for the idiots of the world. Time and time again I see people who lack motivation and sign up for something that does require a little hard work and intuitiveness. A week can pass and the same person can ask the same question that has already been answered, in a slightly different way expecting a different response. Really, come on now? Just pay attention. Action, reaction and sometimes repeat attempts will show different results but I bet the chances of that are about as good as me running and winning a marathon.

I bet that “Shit My Dad Says” came from one day a guy thinking he can be bitter and get a little fame from it. I am totally okay with that, you know why? Old people rock. I have seen some people who can run circles around youngsters, and how do they do this? They are not wasting time bullshitting around to waste the time they have. When you get to be a certain age, time really does matter.

Time takes up a great deal of what we do. We spend on average 12 years in school along not counting pre-school or college. Then how long are we spending in the working world? 40? What about the time when we are seniors? Time costs too much, it costs time and it costs money. Who wants to waste either? Waste not want not, going back to A Minute and see for yourself. People waste too much damn time doing absolutely nothing.

I personally can not wait to get older, I already feel myself getting a tad more bitter each day and its over idiots or some type of idiot behavior, something that lacks common sense and still manages to waste time. For the past few months I have been thinking about many things, one being that its been over a year since I quit smoking. The other that I still need to find ways to keep my BP down. A great friend reminded me one day years ago that when I am too passionate about something I take it too hard, which in turn, pisses off my blood pleasure.

With the quitting of the nasty habit, the new good habit of exercising (with weight lose) the last thing I want to do is piss my ticker off. I guess I will keep my bitterness to a minimum and slowly spread the bitter rather than wait one day to let it all out and have my heart blow through my chest flying into anything within its reach. That would be a picture worth a thousand words, huh? Besides too much of a good thing is bad, moderation is the key.