That seems to be the only way I can describe the last month or so dealing with a few random places, like a ravaged Doberman. The DMV to start with who after being licensed in four states and never having issues with them I now am for their own stupidity. Or our daughter’s now ex-doctor’s office and current billing company who is nicely tied into the Hospital system in our area. Another company which I ordered something online and they felt like double charging me for. And lastly the Post Office which I have now dealt with so much I know everyone in the building on a first name basis. I should send them all thank you cards when the matter is resolved.

I guess when it comes down to it, like I was mentioning earlier this evening I expect the same level of service given to me as I would give to any of my clients. It seems years ago customer service and friendly support flew the coop. Now we are faced with automated systems rather than reaching a real person. This of course does not always help when you have an issue. Automated support can only go so far; what’s next, a robot? It is extremely difficult when trying to explain to an answering and routing system that you have a complex issue – we need real people dammit. Where are the real people?

When a person is not suited for a job yet they still have it, who is to blame? This also came up in the past week and one person mentioned the only person to blame is the one who hired them. I disagree, if anything I might be stubborn enough to split the blame between both parties but when you get into a job where your sole purpose is to deal with people and help them, then damn well do it and do it right. One person I spoke with disputing a mark on my credit actually told me “Well you do not have my job”. Damn Skippy I don’t, I would never in a million years want that job. At the same time you need to give the people you are dealing with a little credit, not everyone is a moron and sometimes we really are right.

And that leads me into my next thought “When is the customer wrong”?