The other weekend we spent a good bit of the day watching some movies. Now for that its normal with us but for watching more than one Kung-fu movie at a time, not so much. We never do any crazy themed movie nights and most times if we even watch more than one movie at a time they have almost nothing in common. This day came as a surprise but it was a much-needed lazy day break to unwind with. Today I am sure we need one too but in the midst of a work week that is just not going to happen.
We watched the The Karate Kid (2010 make, not the original) and we actually came into the movie part way through but we gave up and watched it anyway. We also caught IP Man from the start and just the title made me start thinking like a geek, once it started I quickly made that chatter in my noggin run off as it had nothing to do with Internet Protocol. Instead it dealt with the insanity with the life with a man during the Second Sino-Japanese War. Let me just say IP Man does indeed outrank The Karate Kid any day of the week, now it did not come out this year but that does not matter. If you missed it, rent it, is worth it.
I doubt in his lifetime he expected his world to completely change as it shows in the movie. One minute you are living the life in a huge house and the next you are slumming it. The movie put into perspective how many things people my age still take for granted (even those older at times too). I wont lie either, I am not fond of subtitles but this one I actually got into so it really was not that bad. I guess that means I am a grown up now if I can sit through a sub titled movie without complaining.
I never expected to never see Social Security but that is only due to parents who constantly make reminders that if they are not getting the SS, neither are we as kids. Never thought that having the words “Debt Ceiling” tossed around on a weekly basis or over dinner with friends. How about a country that has slowly turned into an evil, stubborn & greedy brat assuming that the citizens freedoms can be randomly tossed around willy nilly style? I know I never expected to see gas prices this insane, that still blows my mind each time I check the prices. Gas Buddy’s website reports 3.20-3.44 for regular. I do not even want to remember back to what the price of gas was when I started driving or ask my west cost friends what they are paying.
So what have you expected in your lifetime? I am sure there are many other things but these few I just wanted to get off my chest to get the ball rolling while I work more on this blog and what direction I plan to take it in. So many choices, so little time. Until the next time which will again change subjects like I change my hair color, time’s up!