I have heard this pretty much all of my life and its only at the times when the patience ran away from me. I can think of at least a dozen scenarios between the ages of being a toddler learning how to ride a bike, up until my teen years when this phrase would repeat almost like a broken record. Even now knowing that I am older and sometimes wiser I have actually caught myself saying it to others. Talk about turning into your parents’ right?

One thing that I have been patient for is the upcoming vacation. Do not get me wrong, it’s not a full week or even two at a ridiculously priced hotel far off on an island somewhere, but it’s still my damn vacation. For that I am ecstatic. Besides, how many people do you really know as busy as myself & my significant other that can handle two weeks off work? I mean we would enjoy it don’t get me wrong, but before we could even plan it we would need to break out & setup robots to take our place. The amount of work we can manage with being multitasking geeks, maybe only a robot could handle. Besides if we hired our geek friends to replace us it would cost too much, robots are cheaper.

We are not going to an exotic location; we are going a few hours away to another state and do some local stuff. Hang out with people that we like, have some relax time and thanks to the help of some awesome people, even have a kid free evening. Date night, anyone? Just having quiet time and being able to think, not about work, not about kids, not about anything and enjoy the quiet is reason enough to have a great time.

The trip down and back will be pretty simple, hopefully with decent traffic there & back. The company will be great and the only thing I am slightly bummed about is packing everything up and then come back home to unpack everything and do a ton of laundry. When we are down there we plan to get into some local stuff, no fireworks but there will be a nice laser show and who knows what a full day at a large park will do for the kids; who if we plan it right we can tire them all out before bedtime so everyone has a nice quiet evening?

I will also have a great chance to finally test out my new camera which I have tried for lately without success. Too much work not enough play time. Work hard, play hard but when you work so much and get tired before you get fun it’s never a good mix. The countdown has already begun and it’s starting to tick by a tad faster since most of today is over. We all know Monday is a drag but who knew it would take this long to get through the work day? Ha, the work day and here I am blogging. Just a random perk when sometimes the work goes by quicker in a day than you expect. Happy trails because in a dozen days, this Lady is going on a vacation!


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