I have again restructured my work & my sanity while hoping for the best I still prepare for the worse. Last week I made the final decision with a hard nudge of a good friend that my work hours were killing me, or at least putting me in a mostly foul mood. Instead of fully cutting back hours which are not that easy to do; a restructure was needed. This happens to also allow me extra time in the morning, mind you extremely early morning since I wake up like an angry bear just woken from hibernation no matter what the hour. Still its extra time and it is a little less stressful; the past few days have been fine so I must be doing something right.

I now have the time that I can do my normal daily things and not end up feeling too rushed; this is a good thing even though I despise change and was quite hesitant to say the least. While I am still tired and on day two adjusting to the new schedule I am less stressed which honestly for a while was worrying me. Tons of work things have changed in the past year, some for the good, some that made me want to rip my hair out but at least this is an easy transition that I can take in baby steps. So far the only issue I am having is that I miss my caffeine.

Most who know me would say that my blood runs the color of soda, Mt. Dew to be exact. I was never much of a coffee drinker though I will fight you for a Starbucks Vanilla Bean Venti. My issue was always that sweet tasting sugary substance that ended up keeping me up for too many hours of the day. I still remember those days too, but I do not miss them as I much prefer my sleep now. I guess that means I am getting “older”. The only time I drank coffee is when I worked night or straight swing shift, which if anyone knows is pure evil.

Part of paying attention to what I put into my body came from trying to get a little more on the side of “in shape” than “a shape”. We both quit smoking almost two years ago (come Jan.) and it has been great. Very weird at first but still as time goes on it totally makes sense, like something you knew you should have done years ago. I still need to setup an entry about the PV but that might have to wait until after “When is the customer wrong” as it’s already been on the back burner long enough.