This draft has been sitting around since early January of this year, I guess I should get off my skinny ass and write something about it. The title was a plug to the game Star Wars: The Old Republic which I did try out for a good while before giving up on it. Looking back over the years I can not count how many games have been purchased, played and given up on.

Something with game dev’s lately is just off, it is like the previews are great with the build up to the release and then it falls flat and makes you wish you could return the game and get your money back. Last year I cleared our attic out and I found at least two large boxes full of past games that went through this gamer cycle, then I guess they were just boxed up to forget about.

Star Wars was earlier this year, Rift came around when it was released, Parallel Kingdom among others. To be fair PK was on my phone and I seldom play any games on my cell, the most I use it for games wise is Angry Birds (which is a must especially if you have kids) and Words with Friends (since it ties into my work and keeps my mind ticking).

Do not get me wrong I still love a good FPS game like any gamer girl does, I really need to purchase a few of those for the times when work days just grind to a halt and I need to blow off a little steam. It might be worth investing with the Xbox but I have really never played a FPS on a console, maybe I am old school that way. Who remembers Battlezone, Doom, Unreal, Duke Nukem, Quake, Counter Strike, Wolfenstein?

For now I will more than likely just stick with one game, an MMORPG called World of Warcraft, unless I end up getting something to shoot up in front of the TV. I really do not like to use a computer more than I have to already and at least with the TV I would not be right up on the screen. For a note to all, I never liked EverQuest or Final Fantasy, it seemed to weird for me and that is saying a lot. I have yet to check out Guild Wars either but that is just me being lazy, if it is any help I have been lazy in the world of Azeroth too while recovering. Maybe lying son of a hutt could be a jab at lazy gamers?