Geeks are attached to the hip by their cellphone, tablet, laptop & pretty soon I am going to be bored out of my noggin. 22Oct was the last day I exercised and after doing this weekly like clockwork for almost two years, the downtime is going to drive me mad. The very next day I started to feel like maybe I picked something up at my daughter’s school, after-all I volunteer there weekly and kids do have germs. I completely remember watching a child on the 22nd take his finger from his mouth to his nose to his ear, looking back on this now I should have stepped up to say something but for some reason my mouth was closed. Funny I remember this after the fact…and oh, the pneumonia’s begins.
The week ran normal, I got up, checked in on emails, got the kid off to school on time but I still felt weird. It did not feel like a cold or the flu but I was dragging on as the week progressed. It felt nothing like bronchitis, tonsillitis or even strep – all of which I have managed to have many times over the years growing up in the NE and even a few times having all three at the same time. Most of the days managed as getting the kid off to school, coming into the office working for 30 minutes and then taking a nap until about an hour before I had to pick her back up. And for the record, yes in my 30’s I still have my tonsils. Now I am thinking about it like something out of Alice in Wonderland, there are little pneumonia fairies that float around and drop off little pneumonia pellets so we all get sick. Ta-da!
I was run down like nothing I had every felt before. On average I do 7-8 miles a day working out. I quit smoking almost three years ago and for lack of originality I had “never felt better in my life”. We waited the entire week, we tried the over the counter med’s and nothing worked. Finally we head to the doctors who tells us surprise, you have the pneumonia’s. Imagine my surprise after knowing my father had this for months which landed him in the hospital and in the end was another nook to help him need a lung transplant back in his 40’s.
I drank almost a million bottles of water from home but I was not keeping the H20 where it should be. I could jump from a temp of 95 to 103.9 in the blink of an eye, so for this years Samhain I was a Zombie in a doctor’s office with an IV bag that I sucked down like a little Vampire child in a matter of minutes. This is the only Samhain in my life that I have missed and not gotten to dress up for, other than Zombie sickly witch.
The idea of something wrong with my lungs flipped me out, between my father and his health issues, then my mother with her own (lung cancer) they have enough information to write a mini medical journal. I smoked for a little over 18 years, tried dozens of things to stop and finally moved over to a personal vaporizer (still have nicotine so I am not a physco bitch but none of the other stuff).
How the hell did I get pneumonia? This is what I kept asking myself, I mean really it was not like I was running around here on the east coast in a pair of short shorts or running around outside with wet hair in the cold, and I have done this many times before. I was working like any other 40+++ hour week, doing my volunteer deal and being a normal geek mom.
Sorry to hear you have suffered the modern day plague. Hope you get well soon!!
Ty 🙂
Have they said how long it generally takes a person to recover?
Depends…will be on meds for another week at least. I have viral and bacterial pneumonia. Plan to blog more about it later.
Oh, that explains the plural… yuck!
That is crazy. I am not sure how a person ends up contracting Pneumonia without a cold or something first… I must read up on this. *goes to find out*
Kat Douglas liked this on Facebook.
Kat read the next blog entry.
Bit late to the party but been dealing with some hard times here too and didn’t see. Hope you’re feeling a little better now,. You certainly don’t do things by halves!
Yea got 2 blog entries about it, working to get a little caught up on work now between medical naps, codeine oh joy. Nah, when I do shit I do it to the fullest, who the hell wants to half ass it? 🙂