Thinspiration, a slender buzzword, pun intended. Thinspiration is a scary eye-opener for anyone. Those who are single, married, with or without children. As a parent whether you have a son or a daughter. Has anyone else started to follow this in the news as much as they are after the crazy McAfee nutcase? It seems that Anorexia nervosa has taken on a new role in the digital age where now forums, blogs and many articles are creeping up under the premise that they are to educate and help those affected by this disorder. Many seem to lay the way of helpful and friendly but when you get inside these communities it ends up being anything but the truth.

I am on the no exercise routine by choice now as after the bouts with pneumonia caused me to start analyzing more of the tracking from the past two years. I have decided to bump my target goal up by five pounds. Honestly after the pneumonia I started to think about many things and one of those was how in the world I could manage to drop almost three pounds 24 hours. That was obviously not intentional but it seems these Ana’s out there are okay with fasting to the point of turning into literally nothing.

There is no issue of people having the right to have free speech; I support this myself every single time I sit down to blog about a random topic. I had no issues signing petitions against SOPA, those against animal cruelty (bear baying comes to mind) or protesting the right way. The problem I have is that these people are hiding behind a serious issue, covering it with a humanitarian smile while seeking out to do more harm than good.

Let me just make it clear that I have known many people who have suffered from being anorexic, both male and female. The results are damaging to the mind, body & soul. I guess the 80-20 rule (commonly known to nerds as The Pareto principle) here applies for these sites popping up, 80% are full of shit and are okay to further the problem at hand while offering no real solution furosemide 40 mg. 20% may actually mean well at the start but I have a feeling they will become quickly overrun with those who would prefer to continue down the same sad destructive path.

Are the health issues not enough to scare people straight? Who really wants osteoporosis? What about the girls or women that one day want a child but are left with chemical imbalances that throw everything out of whack including their cycles? Are these the same females wondering why they are trying so hard to get pregnant but cannot year after year?

I can tell you first hand, I do not wish anemia on anyone including my worst enemy. I have no idea how I got this lovely curse but I can tell you that it is a bitch when I have even a paper cut. No one has to want that. When you pop into that class of malnutrition all types of crazy things happen with your body and from there it is a long road back up shit creek without that paddle.

Due to the recent pneumonia battle I can honestly say I never want to experience dehydration again in my life. I actually felt so bad one day I had to pull the car over on a side street because I felt like I was ready to just keel over and die. How can these people live day in and day out like this?

If evolution is really what it has cracked up to be then maybe thinspiration will be a quick fad that dies off after people learn from their mistakes. I cannot think of anyone that would want their muscles to deteriorate. Why is this a trend now that people want a weakened immune system? It makes me think the original meaning was correct, “neurotic loss of appetite”, keyword “neurotic.

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