Hi, I am a Lazy Lady who is pretty sure before birth I was a fetus the first thought that bounced around was “She is going to be a lazy one” and I won’t deny it one bit. I am one of the laziest people I know. Not when it comes to important things, it is not like you walk into my home and see slime on the walls or grease running down the stove.

While I am not disgustingly lazy I normally have no issues walking from my air conditioning car to the air conditioning store or into my air conditioning home. That is the type of lazy I am. I also do not mind a good game out in the sun but only for small amounts of time. I do in fact burn in the sun and tan in a bed. It is one of those mysteries I will never fully understand. Then again, how often do you see geeks out in the sun playing sports? Exactly my point!

Growing up I always had a fast metabolism, wait, didn’t we all? Who knows, I guess I was not all that special after-all. Really thought I never had a problem exercising, I grew up as a tomboy. Things were different then, we never worried about locking the doors to vehicles or our homes. Kids were outside until their parents had to drag them into the house. I was always more interested in climbing trees, playing baseball, playing on dirt bikes or skating with the gang. I am sure my mother trying to get me in the house and cleaned up on any day of the week was just as much fun as giving a cat a bath. Trying to get me into a dress for a special occasion was just as bad.

We played from sun up until sun down and even tried to squeeze in an hour or two after that. I remember taking a skateboard, flipping the sand out of a box and rigging up a device that we shot down a narrow sidewalk at what seemed to be lightning speed, of course, directly towards an in-ground pool. We would bike until we could no longer pedal, take a quick break and do it all over again. Looking back I wonder how many miles I put in a day?

Now those are the types of memories a lazy person like me has while on a new venture to get into mountain biking. Mind you, it is highly possible to forget how to ride a bike. I guess I will never be playing a Hunter in WOW, as agility is not my friend seeing that I am still quite accident prone off a bike.