What do witches do on Samhain? I am sure the answer is different for many out there but the short & lazy answer would be “We do a lot stuff”. Like today, I woke up when my alarm went off only to turn over and reset it for a later time. Sometimes that happens, nothing special about it happening today but it did. Google sure seems to have an idea of what many witches do, but I have to admit as cute as it would be to freak my family out with a huge cauldron in the kitchen before breakfast that did not happen.
Instead I do what I normally do when I wake up, open my eyes and be thankful for another day. Too many people seem to take life for granted and waste it away doing nothing, complaining about something mediocre or doing what most of the world do now – not taking responsibly for their direct actions yet still sit on that damn high horse of entitlement. It seems like the curse of entitlement is now the new Black Death. Instead of wiping people out at the flip of a hat it is slowly sucking the souls out of people turning them into mindless zombies. Soul harvesting, brainwashing mind melt. It has a ring to it.
In general mornings are a rush and as some consider it mean, I consider it a feat of strength when the morning routine is complete. My youngest wakes the same way I do, bitchy, not motivated & completely graceless. Accidental injury happens a bit for the both of us. I can walk into my kitchen for a drink and clip myself on the corner than I know is in the same spot it always has been. For a child that has my grace I have to say she can hustle in the morning when I give her 15 minutes to be ready and out the door. Today I did not even need to cackle like the witch that I am to get her moving and out the door.
So what do we really do when it comes to Samhain? Well for starters I respect it. I love reading some of the stuff I find that relates to witches on the web. So many things are just pulled out of thin air. I am not running around with plans to kidnap small children for a blood sacrifice later this evening, I am not in the kitchen or out back over a pit fire cooking up any spells. Though I might break my cards out later and blow the dust off of them. I mean I have already given my sweet black cat a good brushing for the day, what more is really left to do?
It is sometimes hard to explain what those who believe like I do actually do when it comes to Samhain or any other sabbath. To understand what we do or why we do it you would first need to understand what it is. We remember, we respect, we give thanks & we feast. Seems a little similar to those other traditional holidays, huh? Anyone else notice how over the years influences on Christianity started with some lovely Pagan Sabbaths? Poking fun, no one get their panties in a bunch.
A: The witch!