Monday full of Fire is a no joke swing on how my week started. Now I know why they call it fire, you will burn from it but once you have completed the video your mindset changes. I mean really, what witch would prefer fire considering the history of witches? And don’t get me started on if I can sink or swim. The workout was good but just like Ignition last week the first five minutes are a killer! I did like the change-up between the last video and this one, a good change keeps things interesting and avoids dipping into the stagnate stage that most regular workouts do.

Tuesday’s Stronger is all about the Iron. For some reason it flashed me back to being younger and having to take iron pills. Nothing about “pumping iron” happens unless you count the upper body sets. This is also a 34 minute video which still keeps with the “quick and simplicity” that I like about these videos.

They say this video is all about boosting your metabolism so I am hoping by the end of the week (with 2 weeks in) I will start to notice some differences. Just a quick spoiler alert, compared to the Fire video or even Ignition, Iron does not take H2O breaks so get a little water in you before you start it up. At the end you will want your water bottle and a nice cool shower.

I set up a My Plate account with LiveStrong so I can track foods for the first week making sure I stay within my goals. It has been a bit since I have “eye balled it”, I figure after a week or so I will be back to normal. Plus the site emails you daily with a menu to pick from (or substitute), a copy of the new video & extra tips. To me it seems like a good reminder since I am blogging about this journey. As soon as I read something online it is only retained short-term; hence reminders are something I adore . CDO (OCD in order) people love organization!