Another Weigh Day Wednesday started out pretty intimating, but I think that is what the lads what you to think when you start working on the video Solider. I am happy to report that this time you get those H2O drinks that you were missing from Tuesday’s video. There will be some strength training that you might feel like you dredge through and the normal plyo’s (plyometrics) that I am slowly learning to appreciate. There will also be HIIT’s (high intensity interval training) which for me personally makes me feel like I am trying to train for a marathon. I think I shaved off about 45 seconds but otherwise I hung in there like a trooper.

Yesterday was Thursday and finally feel like I am getting a bit more content with the Xbox One controller to search these videos on Youtube. I would love if they could add voice searches to make this easier but for now I will just fiddle around with the damn controller and curse a few times when I accidentally hit the back button. This kicks you out of the video for anyone wondering…onto the exercise! Calling this one Soliders regroup and refuel seems like a good fit since leaning into the end of the week you feel like you need to refuel.

The video for Thursday is called Refuel and it is not just slow ways to burn calories . You will still be sweating at the end as this video is 41 minutes long, the longest so far. I had a feeling it would not be as simple as a “lazy workout” and I was right. Still going for over 40 minutes was not as bad as I had originally thought. I am sore but as they say “no pain, no gain’. Within the videos the instructor will say all types of things to keep you motivated and it is never in the tone of a drill instructor. If that were the case I doubt anyone would continue.

Last week was a warmup for me since I have never used an instructor or a gym. For me it works great with my schedule with four days down I am going ahead and make the commitment. I wanted to do five days on and two days off (shorting it by a single day). I have now decided to just stick with it for the full six days for the full eight weeks. Two more videos to go and I will be set for the next three weeks, wish me luck!


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