Spring is in the air and I am glad that I popped an allergy pill before I walked out the door. I have no idea what came over me today when I walked outside in the nice weather but I felt like getting some yard work done. At first I thought I would just do the normal deal where I walk around the property to see what is out-of-place and then get to work with the weed whacker.
Looking back it seems like growing up as a tomboy was kind of good thing for me. The fun of celebrating my spouses birthday this past week was great, even thought the cake might have done me in. Now on the other hand, the shopping for tools was a blessing in disguise. We took a trip out to get new tools for the shop and we bought all types of new shinys. I realized just how many more shop tools I love, not counting the mini chainsaw that I fell in love with last year.
Today was different. I looked at the sad yard which has went through hell in the past year. We had storms, ice, sleet and we were even blessed with snow this year. I looked down at the ground and realized it was time to deal with the leaves. I don’t think I have actually raked leaves since I was a child and let me tell you, it is not nearly as much fun doing this task as an adult. I did not end the day by jumping in the leaves, but I did debate it a few times.
We had sticks coming out of the wazoo and I thought about what happens if I just pull everything on a tarp instead of trying to bag this massive mess. *ding* I got a quick “how-to” on the new lawn mower. Once I figured out the basics I was off.
And yes, it is true I have never really had to mow the yard before. I am lucky this way. Growing up we always hired someone to deal with that. My dad was not really the “get out and mow” to “keep up with the Joneses” type of guy. Once I figured out what I was doing I mostly conquered the leaves. It took me about seven hauls before all the leaves were clear.
Then I got the bright idea to actually mow. Yeah I can drive the mower without the blades on but what happens if I engage them? Last year I got into a healthy talk about grass. We have some sad spots in the yard and we tried all types of fun things to get that taken care of. After talking with my now (claimed) buddy he suggested Epsom Salts. I will get more into this in another blog entry.
For now, let’s just say I can mow the yard even though I missed a few spots (did not have my lovely glasses on while mowing). I also staled it about twice. What can I say? I am impatient sometimes. The best part was blowing chunks of leaves into our asshole neighbor’s yard. This happened after I caught him trying to mow his yard with a push mower. I am pretty sure he was green with envy when I was riding our beastly machine too.
Sticks!?!? Oh, you think you have sticks?!?!? I spent 2 1/2 hours today raking up sticks from the massive tree that fell on our house just so I could cut the grass anywhere near the actual side of the house. Sorry…I have a thing about sticks today. 😉 I haven’t touched the front yard yet if you want to help me rake some sticks…. 😉
Oh, heh, I used to try to mow my lawn with a push mower. I am too stupid to get a “real” one started. Seriously… Anyway, I always have to find ways to get the motivation to get something started outside. I’ll convince myself that if I at least work on something for an hour, I’ll get a little bit accomplished. What ends up happening, though, is that I will get so wrapped up in it, that I could easily spend a whole day out there. The good part is, you can fire up the grill and cook while you work, so you don’t have any excuses about needing to go back in to get dinner started.
I feel the same, but after five hours I was really tuckered out. We were outside for most of the day. The sticks were pretty much non-stop, I have no idea how many times I was jabbed by them. I forgot to mention the “attack of the ants” while I was in the front of the yard too. That was interesting to say the least. It is scary when us mom’s take our nesting skills to other stuff sometimes.
LA, if you pay for the gas $$$ to get down there I would be more than happy to help, not this week though. This week (actually the weekend) started out by getting child cooties and now I am sickly. Pretty sure you don’t want to share a rake with the chance to get the yard-work done but end up with kid cooties. 🙂